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  • Writer's pictureRima Agarwal

Marketing vs Branding: Understanding the Key Differences

Introduction: Marketing vs. Branding —What’s the Confusion?

Have you ever found it tricky to separate marketing from sales? Back in 2012, when I began my career, many companies struggled with this. At the time, activities like business development, cold calling, and door-to-door selling were all lumped under marketing. I’m not saying these aren’t marketing techniques—because they are—but understanding how marketing is different from branding is crucial for strategic success.

Branding: It’s About the Personality, Not Just the Look

And what about branding? It’s definitely more than just logos, designs, and aesthetics. Branding is essentially the personality you assign to your brand and the descriptors that stick with it.

Defining Branding vs Marketing Through a Personal Lens

Let’s make this personal to clarify it further. If I, Rima Agarwal, were to differentiate myself as a brand, and then break down what is marketing and what is branding, how would we do it?

Starting with branding: Consider the logos, colors, and aesthetics we often emphasize—these are like the clothes I wear, the makeup I put on, or the fashion style I’m known for. This makes me recognizable at a distance. But a brand isn't just about recognition; it’s about adding my personality to the mix. What do people say about me when I’m not around? Maybe they say, “She knows marketing like no one else,” “She’s incredibly sharp,” or “She’s the best in the industry.” These perceptions are my brand.

Now, marketing is about how my actions and the brand I’ve built pull people towards me, whereas sales involve me going out and advocating for my services and skills.

Navigating the Initial Business Strategy: Branding vs Marketing?

So, what should you focus on first when starting a business? There’s no one-size-fits-all answer, but here's a guideline. Your first instinct might be to dive into marketing and advertising to attract those initial customers. However, while you’re putting all that effort into your marketing campaigns, don’t forget to lay down the foundational aspects of your brand. Think about what you want your brand to represent, set up the personality, and remember that this can evolve over time. Just like people, brands grow and adapt, but their core values should be decided from the beginning.

Join the Conversation

I’d love to hear your thoughts on the distinctions between branding and marketing. Also, if you’re up for a virtual coffee or a more in-depth discussion, just hit me up at [insert link]. I’m looking forward to catching up and chatting more about this fascinating topic!

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